the ATRiM Group first incorporated as an anti-terror and other crime threat risk assessment service for critical infrastructure. It was developed with the assistance of a grant from the United States Department pf Homeland Security to incorporate Crime Prevention Though Environmental Design to the threat assessment process.
Stand-alone, conventional linear security policy and guidelines falls short i addressing the nonlinear (dynamic) nature of employees. Our insider threat risk assessment situationally incorporates insights from behavioral biology and the affect of environment plays in: i) shaping human behavior, and ii) inducing unwanted behaviors. Dynamic complex systems, which includes humans, are nonlinear adhering to the same chaotic phenomenon as weather systems and other natural events. It is small amounts of "noise" in dynamic system that adds uncertainty and unpredictability. Small amounts of 'noise' left unattended in human systems, has the potential to amplify into human 'storms' ('tipping points'). When a behavioral biologist is asked to explain a specific human behavior, they will always respond with, 'It depends on context.' The reality of security is that things are hugely complex. What is viewed as good security intervention in one context, may have negative ramifications in another context. |